GSO has been producing dobsonian telescopes under several brands for a long time. These scopes have a well-earned reputation as the best mirrors in their price range, and users are aware of the superb quality of the optics that are included. We are happy to announce that GSO's Newtonian optics are now available in the Indian market almost in its whole.
The superior quality of GSO's parabolic primary mirrors is also present in their elliptical flat mirrors. Each mirror has a reflective aluminium coating with a reflectance of roughly 92–93% and is constructed from optical grade BK-7 glass. An over-coating of silicon oxide (SiO2) shields the aluminium layer.
GSO makes use of modern, high-quality, high-volume production and testing lines. Although their secondary mirrors normally have a mirror surface quality of at least 1/12 wave RMS, and frequently greater, GSO assures diffraction limited performance. Almost minimal light dispersion and outstanding optical performance are produced by this incredibly flat mirror surface.
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