Kit includes 60mm Diameter Achromatic Objective lens F/L 700mm Approx. High polished eyepiece of 1.25" standard gives 28x Magnification. Includes 90 degree mirror diagonal, for comfortable viewing of the night sky.
Includes all plastic hardware and lenes, except two PVC tubes that can be purchased from local hardware company.
Achromatic lens 60mm Diameter / Focal Length 700mm
Tube Ring for Telescope Tube
Astro Eyepiece 25mm 1.25" Ultra Wide
Lens Holder - Lens Cell
Glare / Field Aperture stop for 63mm tube
Step Down Adapter from 50mm to 32mm
32mm stopper for focusser 32mm tube
Glare aperture stop for 32mm tube
32mm to 32mm Coupler
STAR DIAGONAL 1.25" standard
All you will have to buy is a Rigid PVC Tube from the local market:
63mm diameter rigid PVC Pipe 4 Kg pressure / length 22 to 24 inch approx.
32mm diameter rigid PVC pipe 10 Kg pressure / length 10 to 12 inch approx.
A 60mm refractor will show you:
binary stars with angular separation of over 2", e.g. Albireo, Mizar, etc.
faint stars (up to 10 stellar magnitude)
sunspots (with an aperture filter)
phases of Venus
lunar craters
Jupiter and its four moons
rings of Saturn
Uranus and Neptune as stars
large globular, e.g. M13, and open clusters
most all of the Messier bright objects (not detailed).
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