Manufacturers & Suppliers of Astronomical Telescopes in India Serving Amateur Astronomers Since 1976

GSO 8" F/6 Parabolic Telescopic Astronomical Mirror
₹ 21000 + 18% GST

  • Parabolic Astronomical Telescope Mirrors 1/12 Wave are polished and figured to yield high-level performance. Each mirror is aluminized and hard overcoated with a protective overcoat, ready for placement in the telescope tube. All mirror surfaces are free of any defects which affect performances. Special types of equipment and techniques make the system mirror the least expensive to any other comparable coated mirror. Resolving power and reflective ability is the specialty of the GSO ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPE MIRROR QUALITY.
  • GSO offers very HIGH-quality parabolic telescope mirrors for the people who want to build their telescopes or DIY project.
  • All telescope mirrors have an aluminum reflective coating, reflectivity is approximately 93%. The aluminum coating is protected by a properly applied protective coating (SiO2).


  • Brand: GSO
  • Item No.: AD082
  • Aperture:203mm
  • Focal Length: 1200mm
  • F/Ratio: F/6
  • Type: Parabolic
  • Coating: Aluminum
  • Reflectivity: 93%
  • Optical Glass Quality: BK7
  • Mirror Thickness: 20mm
  • Suggested Combination of Elliptical Secondary Mirror: 31mm
  • Mirror Weight: 1200g
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